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church floorplan, laid out in the shape of a cross, with different portions labeled including narthex, nave, north and south transepts, pulpit, lectern, chancel, sanctuary, altar and apse
A typical nineteenth-century church layout.

PARISH Needs You!

PARISH (Preserving And Recording Ireland’s Sacred Heritage) is creating a digitised database recording the interiors and memorial inscriptions of Ireland’s c.3,000 Catholic churches. This valuable social heritage is at risk of being lost. Can you help preserve it for future generations by photographing a church?

Whether your local church was built in the eighteenth, nineteenth or twentieth century, we want to include it in the PARISH database.

Sign up here to volunteer to photograph a church (or churches) in your county. Leave your name, e-mail address, and the area of the country where the church you are interested in photographing is located.

We will contact you with information on the best way to capture images and information so that they can be incorporated into the database.

Sign Up Form